Our Products and Services

Full Outsourced Human Resource Support

Every business needs Human Resources expertise; not all businesses can   afford a dedicated HR resource… we fill the gap and deliver HR experience.

SMARTmove Tenant Screening

The tenant screening solution landlords want, the security renters need.


Driving Record Reviews

Every time you put an employee at the wheel of a vehicle, you business assets are at risk. Be certain to know you have competent drivers representing you.

Employee Relations Mitigation

Every once in a while, an objective third party is needed to sort out an issue or misunderstanding. Don’t let an issue set and boil; deal with it.

Pre-employment & Random Drug Testing

Drug impaired employees perform lower, miss more days of work and create risk at work to themselves and others; insist on an impairment-free environment.

DOT Compliance Services

Integra Confidential sets up your compliance plan, manages your quarterly obligations, and keeps you informed of changing regulations. Getting good drivers begins with proper vetting of their backgrounds, their work histories, and their participation in both criminal background checks and drug testing.

Education Verifications

We live in a mobile society, check actual education achievements and be   certain that required credentials really were achieved.

Criminal Background Checks

Every employment decision you make makes you responsible for putting   your employees criminal history side by side all other employees and   customers… we understand state laws and advise you on risk.

Reference Checks

Many employers will not provide reference checks, let our experience develop an understanding of an employee prospects past work performance.

Credit Reports

While not necessary for all positions, if your employees handle money for   you, you should understand their financial pressures.

The Integra Confidential Advantage


Quick turn-around


Available experts to discuss results


Competitive price

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