What is Integra Confidential?
Integra Confidential… Founded in 2009 at the height of the economic recession. Integra Confidential was established to assist employers in sorting through the many candidates they have for jobs and stated simply… select the best fit for their company.

Research says over half of all resumes submitted for a job, contain a misrepresentation… you need to know the real credentials.

Employment laws make it difficult for an employer to have all the information necessary to make employment decisions. In just one call, we will assemble a prospective employees legal history.

Integra Confidential is committed to employer support. We believe employers are trying to grow good businesses. To do that, they need good information.

Ron Rex
Managing Partner
With over 35 years business experience, Ron spent 25 years as a senior leader in a Fortune 100 company and now owns and leads three companies of his own. Ron also serves as a Professor of Management practices at Colorado Christian University. At the university Ron is also the director of Employment Management Services. Through the work at EMS with a business model focused on businesses as the clients rather than the students, they have developed a 95% plus success ratio of employment placement over a four and a half year period of time. Rex attributes this success to viewing workforce quality as the number one variable to business success.
“I have worked with business owners for over 30 years and I’ve yet to come across an owner or key decision maker that isn’t doing the very best they can for their company. The issue in today’s market is not the business owner. It is an underleveraged workforce.” -Ron Rex